“News from the Faculty” is our monthly video format, made initially for our LinkedIn page. In it, we present the latest news from Physik Alumni, as well as some research highlights from the Faculty.
Events information
Young Science at the Pub: https://physikalumni.univie.ac.at/projects/youngscience/
Say hi @alma Mentoring:
For mentees: https://mentoring.univie.ac.at/de/calendar/events/show/323
For mentors: https://mentoring.univie.ac.at/de/calendar/events/show/324
Physik Alumni presents: Medical Physics
Monday, 17.03.2025, 16:15
@ Ernst-Mach HS, Boltzmanngasse 5
Research updates:
Flipping the Script: Inverse-Design as Game-Changer in Physics
Nanoscale quantum light: miniaturized and programmable photon sources ready to go on chip