Physik Alumni is an initiative from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna to bring current and former students together.

  • Keep in touch with the Faculty’s scientific community
  • Alumni: Share your expertise, experience and ideas.
  • Students: Share your questions, doubts and projects.

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In our blog you can find news, science communication and guest articles.

  • alma Mentoring: Helping Students with your Expertise as Alumni

    alma Mentoring: Helping Students with your Expertise as Alumni

    Former students from the Faculty of Physics can share their professional experience with students and graduates in the course of a mentorship. The program alma Mentoring allows students and alumni to network, learn about the professional world and exchange opportunities, meeting experienced graduates who were once in a similar situation. The professional world is unexplored…

  • Exams Season is Here. What Can You Learn For Your Future Career?

    Exams Season is Here. What Can You Learn For Your Future Career?

    Exams are an essential part of the life of students. Some question what use they have in a future professional setting. Interestingly, they might be the key to some basic job skills. Libraries are full of focused students, notebooks present neat summaries of a semester-worth of information, the air smells of stress and caffeine… With…

  • What Happens After Your Diploma in Physics: A Statistical Exploration of #LifeAfterPhysics

    What Happens After Your Diploma in Physics: A Statistical Exploration of #LifeAfterPhysics

    With Graduate Tracking, the public universities of Austria commission Statistics Austria to conduct an analysis of career entry, employment, and income opportunities for graduates. What does the data tell us about our bachelor’s and master’s degrees graduates lives in the job market? The first note to this article is: we are few. The data used…

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