Physik Alumni is an initiative from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna to bring current and former students together.

  • Keep in touch with the Faculty’s scientific community
  • Alumni: Share your expertise, experience and ideas.
  • Students: Share your questions, doubts and projects.

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In our blog you can find news, science communication and guest articles.

  • Celebrating Outstanding Students at the Faculty

    Celebrating Outstanding Students at the Faculty

    Manuel Längle posing with his Hans Thirring prize next to a very festive bust of Ludwig Boltzmann.

  • A Helpful Roadmap for Students Seeking Internships

    A Helpful Roadmap for Students Seeking Internships

    If you’re a student eager to gain real-world experience in your field, navigating the internship landscape can feel like a challenge. This is why, at Physik Alumni we have put together a comprehensive online resource that might just make the journey smoother. Our “A Short Guide to Internships” breaks down the process of finding, applying…

  • alma Mentoring: Helping Students with your Expertise as Alumni

    alma Mentoring: Helping Students with your Expertise as Alumni

    Former students from the Faculty of Physics can share their professional experience with students and graduates in the course of a mentorship. The program alma Mentoring allows students and alumni to network, learn about the professional world and exchange opportunities, meeting experienced graduates who were once in a similar situation. The professional world is unexplored…

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