alma Mentoring: Helping Students with your Expertise as Alumni

Former students from the Faculty of Physics can share their professional experience with students and graduates in the course of a mentorship. The program alma Mentoring allows students and alumni to network, learn about the professional world and exchange opportunities, meeting experienced graduates who were once in a similar situation.

The professional world is unexplored territory for many Physics students. This is why the initiative Alumni Physik was started. Luckily, the University of Vienna offers a comprehensive toolkit to its current students to make the transition from student to professional smoother. Among those tools, the Alumniverband’s “alma Mentoring” program stands out for itself. 

As a mentor, you share your professional experience with mentees. Over the course of a few months, you offer guidance and support to your mentee, helping them develop their career, learn more about themselves and reach their professional goals.

Taking part in the program is straightforward. Mentors are graduates of the University, who are members of the Alumniverband, who have either at least three years’ work experience, started their own business or founded a company or have work experience abroad. They create a profile and are searchable by possible mentees, who use the alma Mentoring platform to find their mentor. Moreover, by registering, mentors receive a free membership for the Alumniverband, which hosts cultural and networking events throughout the year.

For mentees, the advantages are apparent: getting to know already established professionals grows your network and allows the mentee to gain first-hand insights on the areas that interest them.

The question that some alumni, who might be considering becoming mentors, might ask is: And what is in for me? 

One of the first things mentors tell about their experience is that mentorship is a two-way street. They report on often learning new skills and perspectives from their mentees. Added to it is the personal fulfillment felt when helping others achieve their goals and watching them grow. 

During the program, mentors can participate in alma Mentoring events, where they have the chance to meet other mentees and mentors and expand their network

Professionally, there are also many positive outcomes from mentoring. At the personal level, mentoring helps improve communication skills. Explaining complex concepts, providing advice, and discussing goals all contribute to becoming a more effective communicator. These are also important for strengthening leadership skills, as mentors work on active listening, giving constructive feedback, and providing guidance. At the industry or sector level, mentoring provides the opportunity of building talent and establishing strong bonds with upcoming professionals, thus ensuring that knowledge and experience are passed down.

From Alumni Physik we invite students and alumni to check out this great opportunity and invite you to participate actively on it! To see what participants say about the program and learn more about how to get involved, visit