With the relaunch of the Alumni initiative at the Faculty of Physics, we would like to open the doors of the faculty to our former students. At the same time, we want to invite our current students to actively participate and conceive activities for Physik Δlumni. We aim to offer a place for dialogue, networking and idea-sharing.
The Faculty of Physics strives to conduct cutting-edge research and train excellent scientists. From those on training, one of the most common questions is: “What comes next?” The answer to this question is not clear, as the careers and life paths of physicists vary a lot. Both a study on the job market for physicists from the DPG and the AMS corroborate this. At Physik Δlumni we hope to showcase this diversity by bringing the experience and expertise of our former students back to our lecture halls.
Professional development is not our only objective, we also want to help build a sense of belonging to our faculty. We know that most of our students enter the faculty because they have an interest in science, its impact on society and the opportunities it offers. We would like to be a source that fulfills this desire from our students while they are actively in the faculty, as well as when they leave it to pursue new endeavors.
To achieve these two objectives, we want to open dialogue spaces between students, alumni and us. Either through in-person events and workshops at the faculty or connecting per e-mail or on LinkedIn, we are excited to listen to your thoughts, to learn about your projects, or help you implement your ideas. We do not have yet a clear path, we might sometimes even take the wrong turn, but we are sure about something: Physik Δlumni wants to go forward with you.